Use "teleport|teleported|teleporting|teleports" in a sentence

1. In combat, Abyssal demons are capable of teleporting either themselves or the player around, meaning that safespotting is not possible.When teleported, you will stop attacking the demon.

2. Divert Teleport . Choose destination for another's teleport.

3. Trace Teleport. Learn origin or goal of subject's teleport.

4. You can teleport.

5. Are you trying to teleport?

6. Charles Abbott teleported Sammy Jones to Antagonista using Incredulitas 4

7. No flicking, no teleporting, no smoking out - - oh, and...

8. The search party was teleported down to the planet's surface.

9. They steal your stuff and then teleport away.

10. Apoplex finally agreed, and the being teleported them both away from the prison

11. Your Agent appears when you teleport it to you

12. Far more rational than the man who says he can teleport.

13. The ability to teleport developed early in Mila's experience of ascension.

14. Retrieve. You teleport to your hand an item you can see.

15. The Accursed urn (full) is an item made by filling an Accursed urn with Accursed ashes.It can be teleported to Ernie by clicking it, giving 375 Prayer experience.When the urn is teleported, the player gets the message, "You activate the rune on the urn and it is teleported away.

16. Apocalypse's can teleport himself and others across the entire planet

17. Beefing with 7 teleports its customers through time and space to immerse them in an

18. You can teleport from third dimensional to fourth or to fifth dimensional or higher existence's.

19. Because Backstab teleports the rogue behind a target, enemies currently attacking the rogue may miss

20. Explorer Teleport: Explorers are extremely vulnerable and will often be destroy to their destination late game.

21. Is that beautiful music to teleport us back to the old country?

22. The teleport is a vital Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) hub for military communications.

23. Calls are then forwarded to a satellite teleport connected to the Public Switched Telephone Network .

24. If you could go back to the past teleport, when do you want to go?

25. Is the ability to teleport to any location the Psychic can see clearly via Sense Projection.

26. We attempted to teleport as we once could and found out we could not.

27. Description: The Teleport Units ability can move units within the radius to the mastermind.

28. Put it on the Units you wish to teleport and then click near the Mastermind Presto.

29. At times, Apocalypse has even teleported large objects, such as a massive fortress, long distances along with himself.

30. In the experiment, we anda six - photon interferometer to teleport an arbitrary polarization state of two photons.

31. Aarhus has a slew of bars and clubs that could fool visiting partygoers into thinking they've been teleported to the busiest

32. Bloodsport is a super-villain who uses high-tech guns and weaponry with Kryptonite bullets that are teleported into his hands

33. Players can reach the Battlefront by casting Battlefront Teleport, or running southeast from the fairy ring (code CIR).

34. The aforementioned lack of a Mastermind means that Reaper-17 can not upgrade its Hexapod with teleport capabilities.

35. Barbershop The Barbers je teleport u neko drugo vreme izgledom i pravilima berbernica od pre jednog veka

36. No, not unless you can alter time, speed up the harvest... or teleport me off this rock.

37. Help Booboo with his unique ability to teleport to self-created warps to get to the end of each level

38. Augural Conveyors may only be used as destinations and entrypoints into Skirmish; they cannot be used to teleport to other Waypoints

39. Albedo teleports next to a random ally that is currently near an enemy and deals 220% damage to the enemy, stunning them for 4 seconds

40. Note that Augural Conveyors may only be used as destinations--they cannot be used to teleport to other Waypoints

41. 7) Finally, there is a third type of switch shaped like this: ( ) It teleports your Block to different locations, splitting it into two smaller Blocks at the same time

42. Choose the new option and the party will teleport to a hidden area in the Stilshine to fight Zeromus, The Condemner.

43. The threat of Cyberwar looms over the future: a new dimension of conflict capable of leapfrogging borders and teleporting the chaos of war to civilians thousands of miles beyond its front.

44. "This is YOUR fault, wizard! NEXT time, we burn your spellbook... "—Entire party, upon first arriving in Sigil and suspecting their mage of botching another teleport.

45. The Brassiest Knuckle Item Level 39 Binds when picked up Unique-Equipped Finger +6 Strength +9 Stamina +5 Critical Strike (0.8% at L35) +5 Mastery Use: Teleports you to Bizmo's Brawlpub

46. Bamf / ˈ b æ m f /, originally Bampf, is an onomatopoeic term originating in comic books published by Marvel Comics, in particular those featuring the superhero Nightcrawler of the X-Men.The term is derived from the sound Nightcrawler makes when teleporting

47. Abrogate's body allowed those passing through it to teleport to any location in the universe they could think of, as long as the destination was in outer space and Abrogate was willing to accept

48. Skeletons max quantity raised to 15 [as it was in Belzebub] Skeletons now gain extra min-max damage via character's strength; Skeletons now gain extra Armor Class and To Hit via character's dexterity; Necromancer Zombies, Skeletons and Revived will no longer teleport to …

49. She had been injured but certainly; and it was just now occurring to Bonnie that if she had the power to telekinetically flip Kai off of Damon, pull Damon to the portal spot, place the Adscendent in his hand, activate it fully then surely she could have teleported herself to his side as well.